I want to take a moment to talk about one of Meadowbrook’s favorite staff members, Patty Wagner. Patty is a very important part of the Meadowbrook team. She has worked in the ProShop for the past four years and before that, Patty was the Finance Director for Meadowbrook when it was a country club. Okay…so Patty wouldn’t want me to tell you just how many years she has worked at Meadowbrook, so I won’t. I will simply say that it is going on four more years than half a century…you can do the math, and hopefully that will keep me out of trouble with Patty.
And while I’m telling things about Patty that she might not want me to tell, let me add this. Patty was inducted into the Women in Aviation International Hall Of Fame March 2020! What you say? Again I say, glad you asked. Patty is a multi-rated pilot who has received FAA Master Pilot Award for 50 years of Aviation Expertise, which in itself is a great honor. But the rest of the story…Patty is an airshow legend. That’s right our Miss Patty, sweet, quite, unassuming, Golf Staff person, is a Wing Walker! She along with her husband Bob, performed on the airshow circuit for many years. They have performed in 47 states, Canada, and South America. While most of us say we hate to fly or we fight off air sickness, Patty stood on the top wing of a bi-plane while Bob did aerial acrobatics! So, the next time you fly and you think maybe your seat is too small, or the person in front of you is a jerk, maybe remind yourself that at least your inside the plane.
That old saying about judging a book by its cover fits pretty well here. And the next time you see Patty, congratulate on her great honor, I know she’s my hero!
View Patty’s induction video on YouTube by clicking here!
Your Friendly Golf Pro,
Bill Williams
Meadowbrook at Clayton
6001 Salem Avenue
Clayton, Ohio 45315
Pro Shop: (937) 836-6353
Facility Rental: (937) 836-1820